Murud-Janjira Fort: The Coastal Gem of Maharashtra


In this article, we will delve into the captivating history and features of the renowned Murud-Janjira Fort. This coastal fortress, known for its distinctive design and historical importance, holds a treasure trove of stories waiting to be explored. Murud-Janjira is a coastal fortress situated in the village of Murud in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, India.

It is perched on an oval-shaped rock on the Arabian Sea coast, approximately 165 km South of Mumbai. Boats ferry visitors to the fort from Rajapuri Ghat, making it a unique island fortress. The word “Janjira” has its origin in the Arabic language. It comes from the word Janjira in the Arabic language. Janjira means port. 

This fort is a renowned tourist destination, perched on an island just off the shores of the Arabian Sea. What makes it exceptional is its status as the only impregnable fort on the western coast of India, having withstood all attempts to conquer it. With an age of 650 years, the locals refer to it as the ‘unconquerable fort,’ or ‘Ajey Kila’ in Marathi.


Delve into the captivating history and architectural marvels of the renowned Murud-Janjira Fort, a coastal gem that tells tales of Maharashtra’s past.

In 1736, there was a big battle between the Siddis of Murud-Janjira and soldiers of Peshwa Baji Rao. Maratha soldiers Nanaji Surve and Chimaji Appa attacked the Siddi army near Rewas on April 19, 1736. About 1,500 Siddis, including their leader Siddi, were killed. They made peace in September 1736, but the Siddis lost a lot of power and could only control Janjira, Gowalkot, and Anjanwel. Janjira held out against many attempts to take it until 1947, when India became independent from the British.

Raigad-district- Maharashtra

The fort is adorned with 19 rounded arches along its walls, each standing at a towering height of approximately 40 feet. Some of these arches still house cannons, including the renowned Kalaal Baangadi cannon, which played a vital role in safeguarding the fort against seaborne invaders. On the coast, you’ll find the Nawab’s Palace, a stunning clifftop residence that offers breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea and the Janjira sea fort. This palace was constructed by the former Nawab of Janjira.

  • Murud-Janjira fort stands 90 feet above the sea and goes 20 feet into the ground.
  • It’s made from black basalt rock from nearby and stands tall by the Arabian Sea.
  • The famous entrance gate is called “Sher Darwaza” with a sculpture of six elephants and a tiger.
  • Inside, Murud-Janjira fort you’ll see parts of the Nawab’s palace, a freshwater tank, and many cannons.
  • The freshwater tank was important for drinking water, and the cannons remind you of the fort’s importance.
  • There are two big water ponds inside the Murud-Janjira fort that were crucial for the people who lived there.
  • Originally, Murud-Janjira fort was split into three parts, with two mainly for Muslims and one for other communities.


Murud Janjira Fort Timings, Entry Fees Information

Timing: 7 AM to 6 PM
Entry Fee: The entry fee is free, however, the ticket fare for the boat ride ranges between INR 50-100

How to reach Murud Janjira Fortress

By Air – The nearest airport is Mumbai (165 km)
By Rail – The nearest railhead is at Panvel (Approx 125 km). From here, take the bus to Alibaugh. Locate State Transport Bus Stand and catch the bus to Murud.
By Bus: State Transport buses link Murud to Mumbai and the other nearby towns of Maharashtra like Pune, Satara, etc.

Best Time to Visit Murud Janjira Fort

October-February is the best time to visit.


Murud-Janjira Fort is more than just an ancient structure; it’s a symbol of indomitable spirit and a testament to the rich history of the region. Exploring this historic fort is a journey back in time, where you can feel the echoes of battles, the strength of its defenders, and the beauty of the Arabian Sea. One of the most enchanting aspects of visiting Murud-Janjira Fort is the breathtaking panoramic view it offers.

Climbing to the top allows you to appreciate the vastness of the Arabian Sea and the beauty of the Konkan coastline. It’s an ideal spot for photography and for soaking in the natural beauty that surrounds the fort.So, when you travell in Maharashtra, don’t miss the chance to experience the wonder that is Murud-Janjira Fort. Click Here to Embark on a Journey of Discovery – Learn More about a New Fort

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